• Minimizing Corrosion

    Utilized a large data sample of paint corrosion metrics from PPG Industries to investigate the chemical and engineering variables affecting corrosion levels. Leveraged R libraries and regression techniques to tune a gradient boosted tree model that predicts corrosion percentage over time with ~90% accuracy.

  • "Secure Coders"

    Collaborated with a team of Pitt CS students to build a web-application for organizations to securely transfer files between another. Built custom Authentication and Resource Server with protocols to mitigate a variety of threats, including MITM attacks, DDOS attacks, privilege escalation, and token forgery.


    Prototyped a process for converting a donated laptop into a remote-learning server, capable of distributing academic resources to students in an off-grid environment. Then optimized OS settings to minimize power consumption. The RACHEL PC is now deployed in DEC Kabala Primary School in Sierra Leone

  • Keyboard Auto Completer

    Built java keyboard auto-completer based on 2022 English dictionary, utilizing "De la Briandias tries" data structure to effectively determine the most likely word being typed, while also taking into account user history data of previous searches; further refined the algorithm to enhance asymptotic efficiency

Want to see more?

  • Frameworks: React, React-Native, Flask, Swift, Bevvy

    Tools: Figma, Azure, Firebase, Postman, AfterEffects, ExpoGo, Testflight

  • Python Pandas, Pytorch, ggplot, React-Charts, Oracle SQL, R Carat

  • x86 Assembly, C, C++, Rust, R, Java, JavaScript, Python